Paul giving a session

HeavyDuty: Spiritual - Above

AUDIO: "OK. Focus on any spiritual factors in your topic, and put them above you."

Response Options:

I put the spiritual factors in my topic above me

There has been no discharge for a few commands now

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:


__:__ (The time, if you haven't noted it for a while)

Ab y (The direction and a mark for each discharge, y for yawn, s for sigh etc.)

Y lkoi kjuh vnbww fhryd vnfhru ndue.... (Any important comments you wish to make)

For example:
Above y Below y Right y Left y Front y Behind y
This is hard - I can only move a fingernail or so
A y


Spiritual factors would include anything you think should be included in this heading that has not already been covered. It can include other people that seem to be related to your topic even though they were not obviously present at the time. It can include spiritual beings of any kind, guardian angels, or even persons who are deceased. Go with what seems to come up.

The reason for this is that such factors sometimes play a part and can prevent a full discharge of your topic. This command allows you to look in the area and see if such factors apply and discharge them if they do.