Paul giving a session

HeavyDuty: Reach and Withdraw - Withdraw (1)

AUDIO: "All right. Withdraw from your topic."

Response Options:

I withdrew from my topic - let's keep going with this

I would like to try a different approach now

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__am/pm R & W (At start of Reach & Withdraw)

Mark an R or W each time you carry out the command; a y etc. for any yawns etc. as they occur; and note any comments you wish to make. For example:

1:13pm R W R W y R y W R W y
Oh! That changed my view — it's a bit easier to look at this stuff now — gonna carry on though
R W R W R y W y R y
Hah. I never thought that accident would get easier to bear. Maybe, just maybe....
W y R W Ry W R W y y R y W


Withdraw from your topic means sort of mentally back away from it, put your attention on something else, get further away from it in some way. Even if you already sort of bounced off your topic after a fleeting touch on the Reach step, still try and get further away from it on this Withdraw step - don't simply go, I already did it.

When you have done this, say something aloud (really!), at least "Yes."

Mark on your session report what is happening as it happens.

If you start shutting down, click on "Shutting Down" at once.

With the Reach & Withdraw continue as long as you want to. This might be a few times through (reach... withdraw... reach... withdraw... reach... withdraw), or it might be five hundred times through - or more - and many sessions. It is your choice. You can always run more Reach & Withdraw later whenever you want to.