Expanded CDEI Comm Process
- Who have you got charge on?
Did an answer come to mind? It might be best to take the first person who comes to mind. Let's say it's Mrs. Splog, one of your teachers.
- Generalize the specific person into a general terminal
- The reason for generalizing the terminal is that there might be an earlier similar person who has also caused you trouble. For example, your current teacher Mrs. Splog is a real pain in the neck. However, earlier than that your kindergarten teacher Miss Wreek was a horror but you have forgotten about her for the moment. Running "a teacher" will get them both.
- Get the right generalization. The most charged person for you right now might be Uncle Dick. Although he is also your father's brother, the correct general terminal for him might be "pervert." Just do the best you can on choosing the general category for the specific person you have in mind. Go with what seems right to you. The main thing is probably to take charge off Uncle Dick, and whatever hidden terminals there are will come to view or not as the case may be.
- Keep it general. Stick to "a teacher," for example, and not "a woman teacher" or "a French teacher."
- You will be running this general terminal in a long series of commands.
- When you've finished all these commands, take the now-hottest (the next most charged) person in your life. You will then run that person (as a general terminal) through the same list of commands, in sequence.
- When you have run out of charged terminals to run, you're finally done with this process.
- Note that this should be a l-o-n-g process!
It is not the word (like "boss" or "mother") that you are trying to discharge, but real people who have that relationship to you. The idea is to figure out how to dig up and get at charge to get rid of, not to get through all the parts of the process as quickly as possible!
- OK. Got that general terminal in mind? Click the link.
Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish