Paul giving a session

ExpGrade0: Process 15-4 — Grade 0 Quads Part 4 (Routine 0-B) — Clear and Stir Up

AUDIO: "OK. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen."

Response Options:

Going OK

I'm ready to pick the first topic to run Routine 0-B on


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The process name and number
The part
The time at the start of the process

That you have cleared the meaning of the process
Note when you have dug in and stirred up any charge
For example:

#15-4. Grade 0 Quads
Part 4 Routine 0-B
11:28 am

Clear/stir up


Demonstration series of commands and answers:

Robot audio is on. User answers aloud, as normal.

Robot: All right. Pick a hot topic, one where there is trouble communicating.
User: Ummm . . . [whispers] Sex with sheep.
Robot: Thank you. What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ [sex with sheep]?
User: That it shouldn't be done because you can get diseases. Some sheep diseases can communicate to humans and can be very nasty, fatal even. And what would you say to the doctor?
Robot: Fine. Who else could he/she say those things to?
User: The farmer.
Robot: Good. Who else could he/she say those things to?
User: Um . . . a policeman.
Robot: Fine. Who else could he/she say those things to?
. . . and so on . . . until

User: Hmmm . . . My aunt!
Robot: Good. Who else could he/she say those things to?
User: Mmmm . . . that's all.
Robot: OK. What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ [sex with sheep]?
User: [whispers] Maybe I'm hurting the sheep. They do tend to bleat a lot while it is going on, and they kinda look at you funny afterwards.
Robot: Fair enough. Who else could he/she say those things to?
User: Ouch . . . um . . . someone 10,000 miles away.
Robot: Got it. Who else could he/she say those things to?
User: Um . . . my grandfather, now deceased.
Robot: Fair enough. Who else could he/she say those things to?
. . . and so on . . . until

User: That's all.
Robot: Good. What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ [sex with sheep]?
. . . and so on . . . until

Robot: All right. What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ [sex with sheep]?
User: Ummm . . . [brightly] that's all on sex with sheep.
Robot: All right. Pick a hot topic, one where there is trouble communicating.
User: Um . . . er . . . sex with dogs.
Robot: All right. What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ [sex with dogs]?
. . . and so on, for hours and hours and hours, covering every hot topic you can think of, one by one.

Then onto Flow 2 . . . .
Robot: Thank you. What are you willing to tell me about _____ [hot topic]?
etc. etc. etc.

Notes (continued):

#15-4. Grade 0 Quads Part 4 (Routine 0-B)

General overview

Routine 0-B is about certain topics where there might be communication difficulties. The idea is to pick them all up right here in this process and flatten them if they haven't already been flattened. So before considering 0-B flat, look over your life and make sure none have been missed. If so, add them in.

The form of this part

Part 4 has four flows. First flow 1 is flattened, then flow 2, flow 3, and finally flow 0. The first thing to do is pick a hot topic (you will see a list when you get to the next screen). You will be asked the question:
  • "What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ (that hot topic)?" After answering that at length, you will be asked,
  • "Who else could he/she say those things to?". That second question will be repeated:
  • "Who else could he/she say those things to?", until you have run out of answers to it.
The first question will then be asked again:
  • "What are you willing to have someone else tell you about _____ (that same hot topic)?"
and you will probably come up with more answers to it, still on the same hot topic. Then the second question is repeated until you have no more answers.

This pattern of 1, 2, 2 will be repeated as often as needed until that first hot topic is exhausted.

Then you will select the next hot topic and go through the whole of the same procedure again. And so on, and so on, until you have exhausted all the hot topics you can find. And that is the end of Flow 1.

Flow 2 proceeds similarly. And flow 3, and flow 4.

Again, Routine 0-B is a l-o-n-g process. It might take 25 hours or more. This is the final long process on Grade 0. Don't waste it by trying to get through it as quickly as possible.

The theme of Part 4 is topics you might have difficulty talking about, or difficulty hearing others talk about.

"Another" and "others" includes all the people you know

Let's say that one of the people there is some charge on communicating with is Uncle Harry. When a command talks about communicating with "another," that "another" includes Uncle Harry. If he had not been stirred up before starting running the process, Uncle Harry might not have come to mind and you would have missed the opportunity to get off that charge at this point. Do you see?

General instructions for Expanded Grades procedures

(Full details here)
  • Dig in and stir up any charge you have on it
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till flat
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish