Response Options:Going OKI've picked something I've got charge on, that there are communication difficulties with:• Let's run this topic with Flow 1 (inflow) • Let's run this topic with Flow 2 (outflow) • Let's run this topic with Flow 3 (crossflow) • Let's run this topic with Flow 0 (self-flow) The "official" way to run Routine 0-B is to do every hot topic (as needed) on Flow 1, coming back to it over and over for the different people; then do Flow 2 in the same way; then Flow 3; then Flow 0 and you're done. But if it seems better to you to run all flows on one topic before starting in on another topic, well, it's your session. Other• Shutting down | Don't want to continue | RealizationWrite on Report:The process name and numberThe part The time at the start of the process That you have cleared the meaning of the process The name of the person and flow For example: #15-4. Grade 0 Quads
Notes:#15-4. Grade 0 Quads Part 4 (Routine 0-B)As soon as something hot (charged) comes to mind, or you flinch at an item on this list, click the link and run the process on it! It's flat when you are cheerful about the item or no longer fascinated with it.Emphasis on topicsRoutine 0-B is about certain topics where there might be communication difficulties. The idea is to pick them all up right here in this process and flatten them if they haven't already been flattened. So before considering 0-B flat, look over your life and make sure none have been missed. If so, add them in and run them on 0-B.0-B might take 25 hours or more to run!Routine 0-B, this one, is your last chance in Grade 0 to take charge off uncomfortable subjects and practice communicating on them with particular people in your life.General overviewGeneral versus specificThere are many types of topic listed here, but obviously this list is not personalized to you specifically. You can use the general terms if there is some charge or difficulty there, but it will go much better if you make use of specific topics in your life with people that you know. So, for example, although "crimes" is listed here, you might run 0-B on some particular crimes you know about, and not merely the general term. The long lists of topic types is so that seeing the item "cult," for instance, might jog your memory about a cult you were once involved with where it was sometimes rough to communicate about things.Include both past and presentThis would include past places you lived in, past people you might have forgotten about, personal and business relationships that might have lapsed for one reason or another.Types of topicImages you flinch from: Grade 0 is about communication. Visual communication is included, not just verbal, although the form of this process is verbal. Other people and life forms as topics of conversation: Remember the list from Routine 0-A: Friends; relatives; co-workers; neighbours; associates; tradespeople; business people; professionals; miscellaneous groups including various churches and cults; celebrities; animals; creatures; insects; other life forms; spiritual beings; others. Harmful actions and things you are not saying: Crimes you've committed; harmful actions you've done; things you don't talk about whether harmful or not. Ethnic slurs: Abo, banana, coon, desert nigger, eyetie, frog, gook, greaseball, half caste, honkie, house nigger, injun, jungle bunny, kaffir, kike, kraut, monkey, nigger, oreo, pakki, piker, raghead, redneck, sand nigger, spic, tar baby, towelhead, wetback, wog, wop, etc. Swear words: Shit, shitting, piss, pissing, fuck, cunt, cocksucker, motherfucker, tits, hell, damn, goddamn, ass, bitch, wanker, bastard, prick, cock, bollocks, asshole, balls, nuts, crap, pussy; and lots more. Body parts and bodily functions: Body parts you're embarrassed about, like your big nose or tiny dick or whatever. The details of male genitalia; the details of female genitalia, menstruation, tampons, sanitary towels, feminine hygiene products of various kinds. Excrement, the details of evacuating feces and urine; eating or drinking excrement and other bodily fluids. Diseases or disfigurements and their details. Body odors of various kinds. Etc. Sexual activities: Fucking, sexual intercourse, oral sex, fellatio, cunnilingus, anal sex; bestiality: sex with dogs, sex with cats; sex with horses; sex with sheep; sex with rodents (gerbils etc.); sex with other animals; sex with inanimate objects; masturbation with fingers; masturbation with objects; sexual lubricants, proper and improper; homosexual sex; lesbian sex; vaginal fisting; anal fisting; interracial sex; multi-partner sex; violent consensual sex; violent non-consensual sex (rape); forced sex; unwilling sexual partners; non-consenting sexual partners (drunk, drugged, incoherent, unconscious, dead); sex with minors; sex with children; sex with babies; sex with trees and plants; sex with food items (for example: women with carrots or bananas, men with raw liver or apple pies); sex with priests or other authority figures; sex in public. Etc. Execution, death, torture, pain, disfigurement:
Inflicted on humans, men and women, children and babies, animals, birds, life forms. Sadism and masochism. Death by drowning, burning, sharp objects, blunt objects, blood loss, shock (emotional and physical), burying alive, suffocation, flagellation, stoning, hanging, electrocution, guillotine, lethal injection, poisoning, toxic gases, etc. Painful or disfiguring diseases or accidents, no malice necessarily involved.
Religious stuff: Blasphemies: irreverent behavior toward holy personages, religious artifacts, customs, and beliefs of one's own or another's faith. Etc. Else?: Anyone or anything else? Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish |