Paul giving a session

FDS: False Datum Blown

AUDIO: "Very good. Follow the instructions to the right of the screen."

Response Options:

Continue the session

If you are continuing the session, note from your worksheet the number of the General Search question that brought to light the false datum you just handled, then click on the number below to recheck that question and then continue on with the General Search questions from that point.

Q01 | Q02 | Q03 | Q04 | Q05 | Q06 | Q07 | Q08 | Q09 | Q10 | Q11 | Q12 | Q13 | Q14


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ am/pm (the time)

False datum blown (Make sure it is obvious which false datum has blown if you have been dealing with more than one in the session)


Big win

When a particular false datum has blown, that is the end point for handling that one false datum. If you had a big win on blowing that one datum, then end the session (click on "Don't want to continue" and then from that page click on "I think I've got as much out of this as I can, and I feel good." Enjoy your win.

Then see if the problem you were addressing with FDSing has been handled, e.g. you can now understand or apply whatever it was you were having trouble with before. If it has, great. If not, do some more false data stripping.

No big win

If you did not have a big win, and feel like continuing, see if you can find and handle some more false data. There may be dozens of false data in a subject, and many, many subjects that could be usefully addressed with FDSing.

Don't continue with a false datum past a blow

At any time in this procedure, once you have located a false datum, if it seems that the charge on the false datum has blown, and it is not acting on you any longer as a hidden datum, don't continue with the procedure to blow that particular false datum!

After a blow recheck the question

Recheck the uncovering-false-datum question that brought that particular false datum to light. The same question may reveal more false data. Note the question number from your worksheet, and click on the appropriate link to the left.