Paul giving a session

FDS: General Search — Q13

AUDIO: "Good. Would it make somebody else wrong not to learn this subject?"

Response Options:

Continue routine


Locate false datum



Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

If no, write the number of the question and an "x"
If yes, write down briefly what it is that you cannot think with
For example:

1. x
2. x
3. x
4. Yes. Mlk hjue nbhdt qqgsw njdu kje.


"Making someone wrong" here means a deliberate intent to do so with that as a main purpose, not something that would just happen as an incidental fact.


If the answer to this uncovering-false-data question is no, go on to the next question by clicking "No."


If the answer is yes, both say aloud, and write down, briefly what it is you cannot think with, then click on the "locate false datum" link.