Paul giving a session

FDS: Handling Step 1 — Source

AUDIO: "All right. Where did this datum come from?"

Response Options:

Continue routine

I've said aloud and written down where it came from — the source



Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write down the false datum. BIG!
Write down the source
For example:


Source? Pwhn ndbe bhsv xsjee mnk.



You want to spot the source of the false datum. The source could be a book, person, Internet, TV, etc. Usually, this is fairly clear and visible at the same time as you first spot what the datum is.

Difficulty in spotting the answer

If you really cannot answer this question, again see if you can take some charge off the incident of receiving the false datum, using the usual Rub & Yawn procedure, but don't overdo it. You only need to take enough charge off to be able to answer this question.

Simply use informal Rub & Yawn procedure

If you do need to Rub & Yawn here, then just do it. There is no need (this time, anyway) for any formality or opening up other pages. Just have your topic in mind, rub away for a bit, and get some charge off. Again the caution to not overdo it, as you do not want to take off all the charge from it that you can, but just enough to enable the spotting of the source of the false datum. This is important.

Say it aloud

State the answer to the main question aloud, and write it down on your report.

Don't overdo the FDS procedure

At any time in this procedure, once you have located a false datum:
  1. if it seems that the charge on the false datum has blown, and
  2. it is not acting on you any longer as a hidden datum, then
don't continue with the procedure to blow this particular false datum! Click the "Blow" link.