Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD: Part 2 — Pick an Intention

AUDIO: "All right. Pick an intention from the list that you want to work with."

Response Options:

I've picked an intention from the list to work with

I don't see any hot intentions there

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD Part 2
(Step 0) Write the selected group item
(Step 1) Write the selected hot button
(Step 2) Write Intentions?
List the intentions

(Step 3) Mark the intention you have selected from the list
For example:

11:05 am
Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD Part 2
_____ (group item)
_____ (button)
Mn dfgegw hhd gr jtuh fgrbet df gge t bdufgg.
Mn kjit polp wfs cca q bdhgdtef svdfe vsgdj bd.
Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.
Lko jjjw gsfw dfgq a vzbdhf iut r.
. . .

(Step 3) Select --> Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.



Select an intention from your list, maybe the hottest, that you are interested in working with.

Part 2 outline:

  1. Pick a hot group item
  2. Look over the buttons (12 Int, 12 Reversed Int, 7 Stay) to find the hottest* button re that group item
  3. List out any intentions in respect of that button
  4. Pick a hot intention
  5. Run Repeater on it
  6. Pick another hot intention from the same button
  7. Run Repeater on it
  8. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more unrun hot intentions from that button
  9. Repeat from step 0 until no more unrun hot intentions

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual