Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay RD: Part 2 — List Intentions

AUDIO: "OK. Regarding that hot button, what intention are you acting on? List them out."

Response Options:

I've listed down some that easily came to mind

I can't see any more to put on the list, but there may still be some "hot" ones left on the list

I can't see any more to put on the list, and I don't think there are any "hot" ones left on the list

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write Int-Ext-Stay RD Part 2
(Step 1) Write the selected hot button

(Step 2) Write Intentions?
List the intentions
For example:

11:05 am
Int-Ext-Stay RD Part 2
_____ (button)

Mn dfgegw hhd gr jtuh fgrbet df gge t bdufgg.
Mn kjit polp wfs cca q bdhgdtef svdfe vsgdj bd.
Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.
Lko jjjw gsfw dfgq a vzbdhf iut r.
. . .


What intentions?

In this step we are looking straight out for any intentions that you can see regarding the actions of Interiorizing, Exteriorizing, or simply Staying There:
  • "Connected to [IntExtStay button], what intention is in action?" Or,
  • "Connected to [IntExtStay button], what intention are you acting on?" Or even,
  • "Connected to [IntExtStay button], what intentions are there?"

Part 2 outline:

  1. Look over the buttons (12 Int, 12 Reversed Int, 8 Stay) to find a hot button
  2. List out any intentions in respect of that button
  3. Pick a hot intention
  4. Run Repeater on it
  5. Pick another hot intention from the same button
  6. Run Repeater on it
  7. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until no more unrun hot intentions from that button
  8. Repeat from step 1 until no more unrun hot intentions

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual