Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay RD: Part 3 — Assess Buttons

AUDIO: "All right. Pick the hottest* button right now."

Response Options:

Doing OK, picking a hot button

Regular Int buttons re time, space, conditions, things
1. Go in | 2. Went in | 3. Put in | 4. Interiorized into something | 5. Want to go in | 6. Can't get in | 7. Kicked out of (whatever) | 8. Can't go in | 9. Being trapped | 10. Forced in | 11. Pulled in | 12. Pushed in

Reversed Int buttons re time, space, conditions, things
13. Go out | 14. Went out | 15. Put out | 16. Exteriorized out of something | 17. Want to go out | 18. Can't get out | 19. Kicked into (whatever) | 20. Can't go out | 21. Being released* | 22. Forced out | 23. Pulled out | 24. Pushed out
*Being released = being let go, or being allowed out, or being freed.

Stay buttons, re time, space, conditions, things
25. Being there** | 26. Not being there | 27. Want to be there | 28. Don't want to be there | 29. Can't be there | 30. Forced to be there | 31. Forced to be elsewhere | 32. Prevented from being there |
**Being there in this case means being in a fixed position and can include being here.

Additional button, re time, space, conditions, things
33. Roll your own

I've picked what seems to be a hot button here right now

Doing OK, no hot buttons now

I can't find any more hot buttons here right now

I can't find any more buttons giving hot intentions right now


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write Part 3
Write the Int Button
For example:

Int-Ext-Stay RD Part 3
12:02 pm

(Step 1) _____ (specific button)



This isn't a precision listing action where it will be a disaster if you pick the second-hottest instead. The idea is to get one which will run well without charge from the very hottest one (if different) getting in the way.

Part 3 outline:

  1. Look over the buttons (12 Int, 12 Reversed Int, 7 Stay) to find the hottest* button
  2. Assess four flows for that particular button
  3. Run recall re incidents on that one flow till flat
  4. List any intentions visible from those incidents
  5. Pick a hot intention from that list
  6. Run Repeater on that intention, discharging further incidents related to that intention
  7. Repeat steps 5 and 6 on all hot intentions from that list
  8. Repeat steps 2-7 until that one button is flat
  9. Repeat 1-8 as needed.

(Note: You have the option of running these actions addressing ownership issues if you wish.)

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual