Paul giving a session

Ruds: L1C — Q01 Question

AUDIO: "_____, has there been an error in listing?"

Response Options:

No. Next question please

Yes, something came to mind

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time at the start of the L1C

Write the prefix, such as "Recently...," or "In this session...," or . . .
Write the question number you are taking up and any comments
For example:

10:43 am
L1C Recently
Q3. Bgh wjshy nmpoll kji hjgey ghdtegs. GIs


List prefix

Write down and bear in mind the list prefix. Examples: Generally (i.e., with no prefix) | "Recently" | "Regarding my finances" | "In this lifetime" | "Regarding Mamie Slutz."

Use only one prefix per list, the same prefix with each question. Obviously, PaulsRobot cannot state all the possible prefixes. Rather than using only the bare question, i.e., with no prefix, each question starts with a "_____", and you will have to mentally substitute whatever limiting prefix you are using for that particular session.

Other procedural points

  • The L1C is usually done starting at Question 1 (Q01) and going down the list, taking up each "reading" question at the time it bites. By "reading" is meant there is some emotional charge that impinges on you, some shift in the mind that you notice as soon as you realize the meaning of the question.
  • Try and handle each (charged) line fully, only going earlier similar if it is really needed. Don't quickie it, but also don't try looking for more stuff than is there. Once a question has been answered fully, continue on down the list.
  • Often the upset will be handled before all the questions have been asked. In this case the list is considered complete, as the purpose of doing it has been achieved.
  • After you have noted a response in your mind to the question, there is an option to "check ownership." Do so or not at your choice — there isn't a "right" way to do it.
  • On your worksheets, write brief notes of what comes up. At the end of handling a line, write something to show that it is done, or abandoned, or whatever. Examples might be "VGIs" (very good indicators), "GIs" (good indicators), "BIs" (bad indicators), "VBIs" (very bad indicators), "bogged," "going well now," "question abandoned," etc.

General instructions for L1C/Rudiments

(Full details here)
  • Thoroughly understand the command and what it entails
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till key-out and don't try to go on for some other end phenomena
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish