General Glossary
- 6-DIRECTION TECHNIQUE: A very effective creative visualization procedure, in which the person recreates the most important (at that exact moment) elements of a charged topic and places these mental creations in different directions around his body, as a means of discharging the unwanted energy attached to them. Also to gain control over such mental images. Includes commands like
Put that topic above you. (Compare Morph)
- CHARGE: Harmful Subtle Energy connected to a topic or incident, made from blocked life-force, that is released in a session. This release is often accompanied by yawns or sighs or other bodily discharges. When topics or incidents are fully discharged the memories remain but they are no longer unpleasant.
- DISCHARGE: The entire aim of Rub & Yawn and almost all of the PaulsRobot procedures is to release the charge stored in the space of the body and about a meter around it in the associated subtle energy fields there. The subtle energy effects are not readily seen, but the physical manifestations (shutting down or discharges or neither) are fairly obvious and can be worked with as excellent indications of what to do next.
- EOS: End of Session, written on the user's worksheets or report to mark the point (always with the time noted) when the session ends.
- ESMB: The Ex-Scientologist Message Board, a popular online forum where Paul (user name Dulloldfart) has posted extensively about PaulsRobot and related matters since 2007.
- FLAT: A process is flat when there is no more change occurring, no more charge coming off.
- HAVE/HAVING/HAV etc: Various techniques to increase the energy level of the client; also the energy level of the client ("Her havingness was good and she had energy to spare").
- HEAVYDUTY: A PaulsRobot module where the user addresses his topic from many different angles while using the 6-Direction technique, thereby discharging it. Along with Core, Morph and BasicR3X it is one of four modules that can be used with virtually any topic.
- INT-EXT-STAY: Some people have had trouble with
Exteriorization or Interiorization. The four rundowns in the IntExtStay module address these subjects more fully than focusing on the "Int" factor alone can.
- LIFETIME SCANNING/RELIEF: A very effective procedure in BasicR3X (SCANNING) and elsewhere (RELIEF) where the user scans through his entire life, period by period, and zeroes in on any sticky period and discharges it so that it no longer grabs his attention. Usually takes about 10-30 hours total. The option is accessible from the Common: What Topic (Lifetime)? page in any non-R3X modules that use this (e.g., Core, HeavyDuty, Morph, Rog).
- LIFELIST: A list of questions designed to trigger one by one stressful topics in the user's life so they can be explored and discharged in a series of Phase 3 sessions. There could be thousands of such lists, aimed at different groups of people. A general list might have questions like "Illness?" or "Trouble with in-laws?", and a specialised list might have questions like "Failed to kill someone?" (Military combat) or "Hostile takeover?" (Fortune 500 CEO).
- MODULE: Any of several series of associated web pages and audio files that together will deliver a PaulsRobot session. Examples of PaulsRobot session modules are Core, HeavyDuty, BasicR3X and Morph.
- MORPH TECHNIQUE: A creative visualization procedure, with many variations, in which the person recreates the most important (at that exact moment) elements of a charged topic and changes around these mental creations in various ways as directed, as a means of discharging the unwanted energy attached to them. Also to gain control over such mental images. Includes commands like
Turn that topic inside out. (Compare 6-Direction)
- OBJECTIVE: Having to do with the physical universe, external to the viewer's mind (compare Subjective).
- PHASE: See Phase 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 below. Phase 0 is a pre-requisite to all the others. The others are not mutually exclusive, in that it is possible for someone to have part of their "baggage" open to Phase 3 work, but still have areas that are untouchable beyond a light Phase 1 Reach & Withdraw approach. However, Phase 2 and Phase 3 work both require that the client is successful at "letting-go" and at Rub & Yawn.
- PHASE 0: The client needs to genuinely, no-fake: (1) be willing and able to follow the instructions, and (2) be as sessionable as possible.
- PHASE 1: (1) Get familiar with the procedures, what the client needs to DO, then (2) in session, Reach & Withdraw on "the hot mess" until able to isolate and work with individual topics, and (3) simultaneously, get into the groove of "letting go," and using the Rub & Yawn discharge mechanism. This means actually being able to do it, not just read about it.
- PHASE 2: In session, discharge the most-available hot topics, the low-hanging fruit. Do them in the sequence they present themselves. Maybe topic #1 will present itself to be cooled off a lot, maybe you'll just be able to take the edge off topic #1 before topic #2 is demanding to be addressed. Go with the flow. Continue discharging hot topics demanding to be addressed until ready for Phase 3. If you go to Phase 3 too soon, then you won't really be able to address anything in Phase 3 without Phase 2 topics leaping in and grabbing your attention too much to continue with Phase 3.
- PHASE 3: No major pressing topics to address, leaving the field pretty much clear to pick and choose what to address. Addressing one topic will not cause a disrelated topic to trigger. One can use lifelists, or Lifetime Scanning to run through parts or all of one's life, or any other means to selectively trigger topics that can then be safely discharged.
- PHASE 4: After a considerable amount of Phase 3 work — or at a high SUSHI level — one can try accessing one's extended anatomy and the subtle-energy realms. If too much Phase 3 stuff remains, then the field will be too "noisy" to perceive the very delicate signals in the subtle-energy levels.
General Glossary (continued)
- PROCESS: Technique; procedure used in session by the facilitator or automated program.
- PSYCHO: A PaulsRobot3 module based on classical Psychodrama, a counselling technique developed in the 1930s and 40s.
- R3R: Routine 3 Revised, a useful stress-release procedure developed in 1968 and incorporated into R3X. Includes commands like
Locate an incident, When was it? , Move to that incident, Move through that incident, and What happened?
- RAW4: Reach & Withdraw 4, a Subtle-Energy module addressing with R & W the four dimensions of a human being: the physical body; the aura bodies, chakras, meridians and acupuncture points; the hara level; the core star.
- R3X: Routine 3 Expanded, a modern stress-release procedure, mainly consisting of R3R and the 6-Direction technique, the basic parts of which have been replicated in the PaulsRobot BasicR3X module.
- REACH & WITHDRAW: A simple and effective procedure to gain familiarity with something, whether a real-life object/area or a mental-emotional memory. One reaches, putting attention on the thing, then withdraws, taking attention off the thing, then reaches again, and so on.
- RESIDUAL DISCHARGES: Yawns or other discharges that sometimes come off at the beginning of a Rub & Yawn session, formal or informal, that are not connected to any specific topic. These would occur irrespective of whatever one's attention is on.
- ROBOCOUNSELLOR: Now offline but similar to PaulsRobot, a free online automated counsellor that gave fully-personalized sessions to the client in real time.
- ROBOT: At PaulsRobot, the automated facilitator that provides appropriate directions to guide the session, based on the user's response to the previous direction.
- ROG: A module based on the conventional Rogerian counselling.
- RUB & YAWN: Contains three parts:
- vigorous rubbing of the body to energize it, and
- visualization in various specified ways of one's charged topic, resulting in
- yawns or other clearly visible physical discharges showing harmful energy being dissipated.
- RUNDOWN: A series of different session procedures aimed at a particular part of a person's "baggage." This can often extend to several sessions. An example is the Int-Ext-Stay by Groups Rundown.
- SESSION: Period of time with a start and an end in which the user manipulates and discharges mental images.
- SESSIONABLE: In good shape for a session. Ideally, this means be well-rested, well-fed, not under the influence of drugs or alcohol, willing and able to read and follow the instructions, and have no distractions, enough time for the session, and nothing else likely to pull you out of session. There is a sliding scale here, with session success being more/less likely as one's sessionability increases/decreases.
- SHOCK MOMENT: A very brief period of intense emotional reaction to the realization that one has been overwhelmed in some way. Addressed in BasicR3X and HeavyDuty.
- SHUTTING DOWN: Going foggy, blanking out, losing focus, even slightly, as a result of some charge getting triggered. It is resolved easily by vigorous Rub & Yawn as long as one catches it in time. If not, it is easy to go to sleep, wasting valuable minutes of session time or life. It happens in life too, not just sessions, and the same remedy works in life.
- SPOTANANGEL: A module where you use your Higher Sense Perceptions to spot things in the 4 dimensions covered in RAW4.
- SUBJECTIVE: Occurring in the mind of the viewer (compare Objective).
- SUBTLE ENERGY: High-frequency energies of various kinds that make up the extended anatomy of a person (chakras, meridians, auric fields etc). The charge associated with the sensations, emotions and thoughts contained in a person's
baggage is also made up of subtle energy.
- SUDS: (Subjective Units of Distress/Disturbance Scale) A standard 0-10 negative scale for a client to rate her topic both before and after a session.
- SUSHI: (Subjective Units of Session Harmony and Insight) A new 0-10 positive scale for a client to rate her condition and ability or inability to find anything negative now to continue the session on.
- TITS: This Is The Session, often written at the start of the session. Equivalent to SOS (Start of Session), always with the time noted.
- TOPIC: The charged subject of a session, very personal to the individual, selected by the user and not from a provided list. General suggestions may be made, like
Relationship trouble? , but it is the user who selects his actual topic of Lyn Rizzergard next door.
- TRIGGER: Cause a topic to go from a dormant state to an active one. Cause the charge from a topic to suddenly become active and impinge on a person, so that he will experience the downscale sensations, emotions and thoughts contained in this piece of "baggage" and tend to "act out" its content. In Phase 3 work one triggers things selectively and deliberately so that the topics in question can be discharged and so not be available to be triggered in the future. Life triggers topics randomly.
- USER: Client; person having a session at PaulsRobot, more active than a mere viewer.
- YAWN AND GROW RICH COURSE: A free course based on Napoleon Hill's famous book, Think and Grow Rich.
- YAWNGUY VIDEOS: Various videos that give a Rub & Yawn session to the viewer in real time.
- YAWN MACHINE: A text-only explanation of Rub & Yawn.