My dream is that you use free Rub & Yawn stress-release procedures today and in the future to improve your life— Paul
I'm confused — where do I start?See the Now What? page first.PaulsRobot3 quick pickQUICK-PICK KEY: Entry-level (more or less) | Moderate | Very hard or impossibleCore | Morph | Pono | RAWRogers | Rog | Rizzo | Slate | Antago | BasicR3X | ColorBreathing | Dipoles | ExpARCSW | ExpGrade0 | FDS | HeavyDuty | ID | IntExtStay | List1 | Mega | NotTooShabbyPower | Prez | Psycho | Ruds | Ush | Ush2 | Win | Win2 | LovedOne | RAW4 | SpotAnAngel Key:
Relatively normal modules:Tags#Ph01234: Shows the Phase number(s) (see glossary entry) the module is suited to.#rub: Rub & Yawn is an integral part of the module procedure. Modules which don't include this tag may include Rub & Yawn as an optional part of the procedure. #RAW: Reach & Withdraw is an integral part of the module procedure. #6dir: The 6-direction process is an integral part of the module procedure. #acting: Deliberately acting-out or dramatizing the role called for is an integral part of the module procedure. #talk: The main thrust of the procedure is talk therapy, i.e. talking (and writing down notes) about one's topic, both the facts and how one feels about it. Other modules include talking too, but here this is almost all of the procedure. #entry: Entry-level, suitable for people relatively inexperienced with using PauslRobot. #most topics: Suitable for addressing pretty much any topic (except for very heavy topics). Note that "suitable for almost any topic" is not the same as "suitable for almost any user." #heavy: Suitable for addressing very heavy topics. In general, the heavier the topic, the lighter the approach needed. #poles: Addressing dichotomies or polarities, pairs of opposite-charged items. Although more or less any positive item can be used to dig up an associated negative item, the modules so tagged start off with a pair of items. #LL: Uses Lifelists to dig up charged topics, and then a menu of alternate procedures to discharge whichever hot topic is addressed. #cookie: Cookie-cutter, in that the module uses a fixed topic (or series of topics) as well as a fixed procedure. #alt voice: Alternate voice, where this module has an additional version (two versions in all) that uses a different voice to the regular one. Currently this is a computer-generated female voice (Lucy) speaking in a British accent. Individual modules$ Rog: #Ph23 #talk #entry #heavy #alt voice A simple module imported from RoboCounsellor, this is Rogerian Therapy, a standard counselling technique. Rogerian Therapy is a basic talk therapy. The client gets to talk about her topic while the practitioner listens attentively, then the practitioner reflects back the essence of what the client has just said, both the factual content and the emotional. This procedure is most effective for heavier topics, and not for routine annoyances. (21 pages, available now)$ Core: #Ph123 #rub #RAW #6dir #entry #most topics #heavy #alt voice The original PaulsRobot Core module, with added sparkles and brought up to date. The two techniques used here - Rub & Yawn Reach and Withdraw, and Rub & Yawn General 6-Direction - place under the user's control an effective means of discharging harmful mental and emotional energy from a wide variety of $ BasicR3X: #Ph3 #6dir #most topics An abridged version of the full R3X procedure, that combines the power of the 6-direction technique with the facility of a personal time-stream recreation and run-through technique. This still allows an in-depth re-experiencing and discharging of incidents or feelings, but without getting too deeply into the cosmic significances. By honing in on very deep-seated feelings, Basic R3X is possibly the best procedure here at PaulsRobot for digging up past lives and making access to these more readily available to the individual. Rub & Yawn is an optional part of this module, as it is not native to R3X and the purist might prefer not to include it. Includes Lifetime Scanning. (102 pages, available now) $ HeavyDuty: #Ph23 #rub #RAW #6dir #most topics In addition to the two Core procedures above there are 12 other variations of the workhorse 6-direction technique, dealing with the following factors: Multiple Copies; Shock Moments; Multiple Viewpoints; Imaginary; Confront; Responsibility; Not-There; Efforts; Emotions; Thoughts; Time-Shift; Spiritual; and Cosmic. (114 pages, available now) $ Morph: #Ph23 #rub #entry #most topics Uses Rub & Yawn visualization techniques separate to the 6-direction technique, namely Attitude (2 options); Color (10 options); Condition (6 options); Dimension (10 options); Emotion (6 options); Location (8 options); Motion (14 options); Pain (2 options); People (2 options); Sensation (2 options); Shape (6 options); Size (4 options); Smell (2 options); Sound (6 options); Space (6 options); Taste (2 options); Time (4 options); Transform (10 options); Universe (10 options); View (2 options). The overall idea of Morph is for you to change many, many aspects of your topic. To the extent that you can change it at will, to that extent it will lose whatever power it has over you. (163 pages, available now) $ NotTooShabbyPower: #Ph3 #rub #poles A combination of a more-doable version of the final (supposed) Super Power technique and the (from Scn) Rising Scale technique. It comprises both the original 14 pairs and an additional 64 pairs to pick and choose from. (166 pages, available now) $ Dipoles: #Ph3 #rub #acting #poles Similar to NotTooShabbyPower but more general, allowing a discharge between any contrasting pair chosen by the user. It can be used on pre-written pairs. Alternatively, one can use a pair prompted by a specific question after the start of the session, designed to locate the best pair to work on at this exact time. This module is a lot of fun, involving acting-out of one's items. (14 pages, available now) $ Psycho: #Ph3 #acting #most topics Tabletop Psychodrama, adapted from the conventional Psychodrama developed by Jacob L. Moreno in the 1930s and 40s. In classical Psychodrama, there is a stage, often simply a table and chairs. There is a director/therapist and a hero and villain, with a supporting cast and an audience. The client would usually play the part of the hero, the drama being some issue in her past, present or future life she wishes to work on. Other people play the other roles. In this way, hidden thoughts and feelings are brought to the surface and often expressed, and catharsis — a release of feeling — can occur. Later analysis can help bring about a change in thinking and feeling about the issue explored. This conventional Psychodrama therapy can be very effective. But one big problem with having other people play the supporting roles is that they tend to inject things into the scene that do not fit with the client's view of what took place or should have taken place, and the resulting protest in the client (often unvoiced) can overshadow the therapeutic value of the re-enactment. Similarly, the therapist's evaluations can be off the mark. This PaulsRobot version strives to get the best of both worlds, and is real-world possible for the client alone at home with no other people needed. (35 pages, available now) Combination modules$ RAWRogers: #Ph123 #rub #RAW #talk #entry #heavy A combination of RAW (Reach & Withdraw) and Rogers (Rogerian Therapy, as used in the Rog module). RAWRogers is very good for Phase 1 work. Rub & Yawn is encouraged to be used in this module, but is not specifically integrated into the procedure. This procedure is most effective for heavier topics, and not for routine annoyances. (32 pages, available now)$ Rizzo: #Ph3 #rub #RAW #6dir #talk #entry #heavy #LL (Temporary name!) Addresses Phases 0, 1, 2, and 3 [see glossary], although best use is for Phase 3. Once users have progressed through Phase 2, the Phase 3 part utilises user-appropriate Lifelists to selectively trigger and discharge hot topics one by one, over many sessions. Uses Reach & Withdraw, the 6-Direction technique, and Rog to discharge hot topics. (71 pages, available now) $ Mega: #Ph3 #rub #RAW #6dir #acting #talk #most topics #heavy #poles #LL A one-stop-shop module. Utilises user-appropriate Lifelists to selectively trigger and discharge hot topics one by one, over many sessions. Once a hot topic has been found, the user can pick and choose among 14 modules to help discharge it, namely Core, Rog, HeavyDuty, Morph, BasicR3X, Dipoles, Psycho, Ruds, Int/Ext/Stay by Groups, FDS, Slate, Pono, Prez and Ush. Every module will not be suitable for every topic, and one should already be familiar with any module before using it on a hot topic (29 pages, available now). Plug-in modules$ Antago: #Ph3 #rub #RAW #6dir #talk #entry #acting #heavy #poles This Antago module is aimed at discharging antagonistic items. These may include people, places or things, past and present. It is not a lick-and-a-promise approach, in that one heavy item might take a dozen hours or more to completely deal with. Or a very light item might take five minutes or less.In session, the procedure will allow you to choose an item to address first. You may then select any procedure(s) from Rizzo or Mega to address that item. The idea is to bang away at each item one by one with as many approaches as it takes until you're not bothered by the item any more. There is also an option to give a discharge negative item a positive treatment. This module is voiced by Heather, our American computer voice talent (23 pages, available now). $ Lifelists: #Ph3 #rub #RAW #6dir #talk #entry #acting #heavy #poles These are lists of questions designed to trigger one by one stressful topics in the user's life so they can be explored and discharged in a series of Phase 3 sessions. There could be thousands of such lists, aimed at different groups of people. A general list might have questions like "Illness?" or "Trouble with in-laws?", and a specialised list might have questions like "Failed to kill someone?" (Military combat) or "Hostile takeover?" (Fortune 500 CEO). Lifelists are currently used in the Rizzo and Mega combination modules detailed above. Because of the way they are formulated, most will be provisional and subject to change at any time. A lifelist may consist of both the list of maybe 50 questions on the one page, and the 50 pages (and matching audio files) allowing the questions to be asked individually. Or it may simply be the list without the individual pages (much quicker to put together!). Lists currently availableLists with individual pages tooGeneral militarySalesperson Holmes and Rahe stress scale Lists aloneActorEntrepreneur Software developer Student (high school) Study/learning/school Trouble at work Random (roll-your-own) More lists needed!Feel free to email Paul with a list you have compiled based on your life experience in an area. It doesn't have to be perfect. Also with suggestions on improvements to existing lists. Use the email address in the footer. |
Scn modules:$ Scn: This Scn directory is mainly a container for Scn session modules, but does also contain a few separate general pages, such as a Scn FAQ, and a Scn glossary.Rudiments and correction lists$ Ruds/L1C/Prepcheck: #Ph23 #alt voice The familiar Scn rudiments, with the usual patter and procedures (except they are all unmetered, of course). Includes the usual L1C and 20-button Prepcheck. Also includes the ownership option to focus the commands into an area in or around the body or run them generally. (430 pages, available now) Int etc.$ IntExtStay: Contains 4 rundowns addressing the area of "Interiorization." Two would be familiar to Scios. Two are new, are based on intentions, and address the whole range of Interiorization, Exteriorization and Staying There, not merely the first point. (241 pages, available now)Expanded Grades$ Exp ARC S/W: #cookie The full Expanded ARC S/W Grade, with the usual patter and procedure, and even a familiar optional attest/success option at the end. (163 pages, available now.)$ ExpGrade 0: #cookie The full Expanded Grade 0, with the usual patter and procedure. (654 pages, available now.) Objective Processes**CCHs 1-10 #cookie These are beginning objective processes. The CCHs are aimed at Communication, Control and Havingness. They should be completed in the order 1-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. **Opening Procedure of 8-C: #cookie Run for hours and hours. **S-C-S on a Body: #cookie Aimed at Start, Change and Stop. **Opening Procedure by Duplication: #cookie Run for hours and hours. Other$ False Data Stripping: A simple procedure completely under the user's control to discover ACW modules:$ ACW: This ACW directory is mainly a container for ACW session modules, but does also contain a few separate general pages, such as an ACW FAQ, and an ACW glossary.$ Slate: A relatively simple PaulsRobot3 version of Alan's famous Clean Slate procedure. This was originally developed to help a student assimilate whatever he was studying, but it can be used to try to "clean" more or less anything that causes an adverse reaction on the user. For example, they might freak out at the sight of a gun, or blood, or a computer. This is not the only way of addressing an untoward reaction, but it is one method. Once one has become familiar with it, then other uses will present themselves in the future. (48 pages, available now) $ List1: This is the original list (as far as he could remember) developed by Alan around 1963 that became the famous (Scn) L1C list. Note that List1 only addresses auditing, while the L1C was expanded to include general upsets. (163 pages, available now) $ Pono: A relatively simple PaulsRobot version of Alan's version of the Ho'oponopono version created by Dr. Hew Len. It assumes that one is 100% responsible for the situations one is involved in with other people, and therefore by working on a relevant non-optimum condition within oneself one can also improve the condition of another who is not physically present in the session or even necessarily aware of it. (13 pages, available now) $ Prez: A PaulsRobot version of Alan's four "De-DOT" Presence processes, aimed at separating out the user and his/her own identities and other persons and identities, especially those who have tried to reduce the user's reach. If needed, see the ACW glossary for a definition of DOT. (74 pages, available now) $ Ush: (Unpleasant Sensation Handling) A procedure intended to be used for any physical or emotional pain or sensation, including feelings and moods. This was originated by ACW, and this particular version is per a revision by Roger Boswarva and Dexter Gelfand. It is voiced by Lucy, our resident computer voice talent. (18 pages, available now) $ Win: Win is based on the ACW write-up in Win Series 2, 27 August 1996 Revised 12 January 2001, CELEBRATION OF REGAINED ABILITIES, STATES AND WINS PROCEDURE. The procedure can be used on each regained ability, state, and win until all are fully owned and willing to be used and known. It is voiced by Lucy. (30 pages, available now) $ Win2: This is an implementation of ACW's Help Series 2, FUTURE ALIGNMENT PROCESS. This issue states, "The product of this procedure is a person who can implement the abilities they have regained from training and processing to help create expanding futures for self and others." This process is often run directly after the procedure in Win module, but it can be run on its own too. It is voiced by Lucy. (17 pages, available now) Dexter Gelfand module(s):$ Ush2: (Unpleasant Sensation Handling 2) A procedure intended to be used for any physical or emotional pain or sensation, including feelings and moods. This is an extension by Dex of the original Ush, described above. It is principally voiced by Dex, with some common pages voiced by Lucy. (38 pages, available now) $ ID: (Identity Processing Program) Dex says, "Anytime the client has just been run on any form of incident processing . . . some form of this question can and should be asked: "Is there some identity/persona/beingness you came to wear after encountering/experiencing (the material of the base incident just processed)?" Far more often than not, the answer will be 'Yes', and an identity that has been dominating much of the client’s presence, attitude and behavior will now be available for processing and resolution. The resultant restoration of self through this procedure [is] of such magnitude that it falls upon the processor’s shoulders to avail the client of these gains at every opportunity." It is principally voiced by Lucy, with the linked USH 2.0 pages voiced by Dex as above. (110 new pages, available now) Woo-woo (mostly Phase 4) modules:$ Woowoo: This directory is mainly a container for these modules addressing a person's subtle anatomy and/or the Spirit world. It does also contain a few separate general pages, such as a woo-woo FAQ, and a woo-woo glossary.Subtle anatomy$ ColorBreathing: is based around a technique from Barbara Brennan's excellent book, "Light Emerging," which involves breathing various colors into and out of the body and aura. It is pretty much an entry-level procedure, in that one does not need to have highly-developed perceptions in order to do it, but in the quick-pick list on this page it is placed in the "moderate" section because of the woo-woo factor. Brennan says Color Breathing helps you to develop the specific attributes associated with these colors in your own life. The technique has been adjusted slightly so it will fit into the PaulsRobot paradigm. This is a Rub & Yawn module, as usual. (55 pages, available now)$ RAW4 (Reach and Withdraw 4): #Ph4 This is based on information from Barbara Brennan's book Light Emerging. It is designed to make it easier for someone to become aware of the different parts of their extended anatomy and their higher being. Some of the parts may be unfamiliar, and some may not even exist! However, the author (Paul) does believe this module to be accurate. Decide for yourself. The "4" in the name refers to the four different "dimensions" covered here: the physical body; the auric bodies; the hara level; and the core star. Again, Rub & Yawn plays a lesser role here. (162 pages, available now) # ChakraCare: is based on information from Barbara Brennan's book Light Emerging. Phase 1 is pretty much exactly the procedure in "Color Meditations for the Chakras" on page 140, although converted to the PaulsRobot paradigm. Phase 2 is derived from work a healer might do on a client, but the book does not describe this as a solo procedure at all. This is a Rub & Yawn module, as usual, but this plays a lesser part in the procedure than usual. Zip file at (10 MB) Spirit world$ SpotAnAngel: #Ph4 This is derived from information in Barbara Brennan's book Light Emerging. It is designed to make it easier for someone to sense by different perceptual channels what is in the different $ LovedOne: #Ph4 This module is designed to make it easier to communicate with a Loved One one cannot reach with the usual letters or phone calls (includes by reason of death). Part 1 has 3 techniques covering general issues: General clean-up; sharing thoughts, emotions and images; and long distance communications. Part 2 includes these techniques: Upsets with your loved one, incomplete communications..., disappointments..., disagreements..., and other issues. With these factors taken care of, Part 3 goes into potential remote contact techniques, namely Reach & Withdraw, Hello & OK, Ping & Receive, Poke & Receive, Hug & Release, Be the Other. (70 pages, available now) Future (maybe) modules:^Surrogate: Various procedures for discharging others' harmful energies without them being present.^Habits: Designed to not address charged topics at all, but to change things in a life that are held back by factors other than emotional and mental charge. ^PowerX: A highly experimental procedure involving exchanging power with spiritual beings whereby you try to give whatever you can spare if anyone wants it, and you try to search out and receive whatever is available that you need. ^Exemplar: Another highly experimental weird procedure. It is assumed that one's anatomy, both physical and extended, is anchored by one's (odd-numbered and structured) auric fields. As one goes through life these templates erode and so one's physical and subtle anatomy based on them do too. The theory behind Exemplar is that one can re-download a pristine copy of the required template via one's core star and hara dimensions, which will then allow one's physical and subtle anatomy to naturally upgrade. ^LittleGods: Yet another weird procedure that may be dealing with completely imaginary beings and things. ! Akashic: Intended to facilitate the user's access to the Akashic record. |