Paul giving a session

ExpGrade0: Process 15 — Grade 0 Quads — Options

AUDIO: "OK. Pick an option."

Response Options:

Going OK

Part 1: Auditor-pc clearance

Part 2: Routine 0-0

Part 3: Routine 0-A

Part 4: Routine 0-B

Finally, I have run all charged topics on all charged flows, as best I can

Back to Expanded Grade 0 main options


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

The process name and number
The part
The time at the start of the process
For example:

#15. Grade 0 Quads
Part X
9:14 am


#15. Grade 0 Quads

General overview

The purposes of this process are:
  • To dig up and churn up (restimulate) the available charge, so that the different parts and flows of this process will run well and you will get good gains from it.
  • To get you accustomed to talking to people you might have found it difficult to talk to in the past.
  • To get you accustomed to talking, sometimes at length, about topics you might have found difficult in the past.

Auditing increases ability, not just reduces charge

By talking a lot (aloud!) in this auditing you are getting into the habit of talking about things you might have had difficulty in talking about (aloud) before. You are practicing saying real things in a safe environment, role-playing, so that if needed you will be able to say similar things later to real people in real life.

General instructions for Expanded Grades procedures

(Full details here)
  • Dig in and stir up any charge you have on it
  • No slacking off!
  • Go with what flashes to mind
  • Don't flog a dead horse
  • Write comments
  • Run till flat
  • Use the Robot commands

Add in Rub & Yawn if you wish