Paul giving a session

FDS: Handling Step 8 — More Basic False Datum?

AUDIO: "Thank you. Is there an earlier-similar false datum or incident on (subject)? Or a more-basic false datum, that may be later in time too?"

Response Options:

Continue routine

Yes, there is a more-basic incident or false datum



Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write details in response to the "more-basic?" question
For example:

More-basic? Lkpo uhjue hftry hhn dvsge efw.


There are several possibilities here. Look them over carefully one by one and go with any one that indicates to you as being correct:
  • The datum has already blown! It blew at some earlier point in the procedure, and you are looking for something that isn't there any more. Click the "Blow" link.
  • There is a more-basic incident with the same false datum, and you have some idea of what it is. Write it down, and click the "more basic" link.
  • There is a more-basic, earlier-similar, false datum (not the same false datum, but a similar one in the same general subject). If you have some idea of what it is, write it down, and click the "more basic" link.
  • There is a more-basic false datum, same subject, but LATER in time than the false datum you have been addressing. If you have some idea of what it is, write it down, and click the "more basic" link.
  • There are later similar incidents, which reinforce the false datum, stopping it blowing. Remove the charge from these incidents - all at once, not one by one - with the usual informal Rub/ Yawn/ Visualization procedure. This should blow the basic false datum. Then click the "Blow" link.
  • It may be one of these, or it may be something else, but there is some charge acting as a barrier that makes it hard to spot. If so, then do the usual Rub/ Yawn/ Visualization procedure on the false datum area until the right answer comes into view. Then write it down and click on the appropriate link.

Notes (continued):

Several instances

If there are several instances of the more basic datum and it is impossible to separate them all out, just take some charge off using the usual Rub/ Yawn/ Visualization procedure and make the appropriate notes. Then if there is still a particular false datum needing handling on this subject that you have been addressing, continue the FDSing procedure on the most significant instance of it.

Uncertain if blown

If you are not sure if it has blown or not, get off any yawns that you can which are related to this false datum, and if it seems like there is more to be revealed, continue with the procedure.

Don't overdo the FDS procedure

At any time in this procedure, once you have located a false datum:
  1. if it seems that the charge on the false datum has blown, and
  2. it is not acting on you any longer as a hidden datum, then
don't continue with the procedure to blow this particular false datum! Click the "Blow" link.