Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay RD: Part 1 — List Intentions

AUDIO: "OK. Connected to interiorizing, exteriorizing, or just staying there, what intention are you acting on? List them out."

Response Options:

First time through, listing items

I've listed down some that easily came to mind

Subsequent times through

I've listed down some that came to mind

I can't see any more to put on the list, but there may still be some "hot" unrun ones left on the list

I can't see any more to put on the list, and I don't think there are any "hot" unrun ones left on the list


Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write Intentions?
Write down intentions, hot or not

For example:

10:49 am
Int-Ext-Stay RD Part 1
Mn dfgegw hhd gr jtuh fgrbet df gge t bdufgg.
Mn kjit polp wfs cca q bdhgdtef svdfe vsgdj bd.
Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.
Lko jjjw gsfw dfgq a vzbdhf iut r.
. . .


What intentions?

In this step we are looking straight out for any intentions that you can see regarding the actions of Interiorizing, Exteriorizing, or simply Staying There:
  • "Connected to IntExtStay, what intention is in action?" Or,
  • "Connected to IntExtStay, what intention are you acting on?" Or even,
  • "Connected to IntExtStay, what intentions are there?"

Part 1 outline:

  1. List intentions re Int/Ext/Stay
  2. Pick a hot intention from that list
  3. Run Repeater on that intention, discharging incidents related to that intention
  4. Pick another hot intention from that list
  5. Run Repeater on that intention
  6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on all hot intentions from that list
  7. Repeat from step 1, listing for any other intentions
  8. Continue as above until all hot intentions have had Repeater flattened on them

Same screens

The same screen is used for Step 1 and Step 7.
The same screen is used for Step 2 and Step 4.
The same screen is used for Step 3 and Step 5.

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual