Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay RD: Part 1 — Run Repeater (1)

AUDIO: "OK. Run a Repeater cycle on that intention."

Response Options:

I've run a Repeater cycle* with this intention (saying the words aloud in different moods, re-creating the intention in present time, with appropriate gestures) — not flat yet

This particular intention is flat — let's start in on another intention

This particular intention is flat — let's end session soon

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

Write the time every now and then
Write Intentions?
Write down intentions, hot or not
Pick a hot intention

Run repeater on it
Pick another intention
Run Repeater on it
Repeat until flat

For example:

10:49 am
Int-Ext-Stay RD Part 1
(Step 1) Intentions?
Mn dfgegw hhd gr jtuh fgrbet df gge t bdufgg.
Mn kjit polp wfs cca q bdhgdtef svdfe vsgdj bd.
Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.
Lko jjjw gsfw dfgq a vzbdhf iut r.
. . .

(Step 2) Select --> Mn kji rtrh gfdbew jij.

Repeats: |||| |||| | flat

(Step 4) Select --> Lko jjjw gsfw dfgq a vzbdhf iut r.

and so on


These notes are greyed out but make sure you have read them!

New intentions coming to view

Maybe a completely new intention (not merely a slightly different wording) will come to view while running one. If so, add it to the list, even if it seems to belong to a different button. Don't immediately drop the one you are running, but try to flatten it off. However, if the new intention is pressing on your attention so much that it is very hard to finish off the first one, by all means switch over.

Opposite vectors

It may happen that the new intention is pretty much a dichotomy (opposite) with the first one, and they will run best being played against each other, running first one, then the other, then back to the first and so on, flattening them together as a pair. If so, it's fine to do it like this.

*Repeater cycle

PaulsRobot works best when it seems to control the flow of the session, like a human counsellor would. If the user is left alone too long without a PaulsRobot command he tends to go out of session and the illusion of there being a real counsellor in the session disappears. On the other hand, if the counselling command is repeated too often it gets to be very distractive.

The right interval

So we want to have regular session commands and user execution of the commands, but they have to occur at the right interval, not too close together and not too far apart. The right interval — according to the specific user's consideration — is called here a Repeater cycle. One cycle might coincide with one yawn if you're using Rub & Yawn (highly recommended). Or it might coincide with a certain number of repetitions of the intention. Or something else. You decide, based on the reasoning above.

Run till flat

Keep "acting out" with the same intention until there is no more reaction to come off.

Repeater technique

What is Repeater technique?

A Repeater Cycle uses Repeater Technique. Repeater Technique here means say aloud the intention over and over, while re-creating it in a new unit of time.

Use various moods

Don't use a monotone approach. Vary your moods all over the scale. Vary your attitudes as much as you can. There is a PDF chart here from Alan C. Walter you might find useful as a source of moods to try (don't try and use it for anything else while doing an IntExtStay session).

Make gestures, move your body

This isn't a wooden session at all. Change your body posture to match the mood or attitude, whether slumping apathetically or bouncing enthusiastically or glowing serenely or whatever. Move your arms and other body parts around as needed.

Adjust the wording a bit as you go along

You might not hit it exactly first go. Adjust the wording a bit as you go along, going with what feels right.

Don't just say the words

As well as the high-level thought that is the intention itself, include in your re-creation and re-experiencing the lower-level feelings, sensations, efforts, forces etc. that will come to mind from specific incidents. You may also find it useful to add in buttons like effort to stop and effort to withdraw. Effort here means the force level, masses, pressures, that stuff, and not attempt.

Part 1 outline:

  1. List intentions re Int/Ext/Stay
  2. Pick a hot intention from that list
  3. Run Repeater on that intention, discharging incidents related to that intention
  4. Pick another hot intention from that list
  5. Run Repeater on that intention
  6. Repeat steps 2 and 3 on all hot intentions from that list
  7. Repeat from step 1, listing for any other intentions
  8. Continue as above until all hot intentions have had Repeater flattened on them

Same screens

The same screen is used for Step 1 and Step 7.
The same screen is used for Step 2 and Step 4.
The same screen is used for Step 3 and Step 5.

Rub & Yawn when needed as usual