Paul giving a session

Morph: Main Options

AUDIO: "All right. Pick an aspect to vary."

Main Options:

Null | Attitude | Color | Condition | Dimension | Emotion | Location | Motion | Pain | Sensation | Shape | Size | Smell | Sound | Space | People | Taste | Time | Transform | Universe | View | Viewpoint

Completely flat (no more discharge after trying all the groups)

Shutting down | Don't want to continue | Realization

Write on Report:

__:__ (The time, if you haven't noted it for a while)

_____ (The name of the aspect you are using next, i.e. NULL, or ATTITUDE, or COLOR, or CONDITION, or DIMENSION, or EMOTION, or LOCATION, or MOTION, or PAIN, or SENSATION, or SHAPE, or SIZE, or SOUND, or SMELL/TASTE, or SPACE, or PEOPLE, or TIME, or TRANSFORM, or UNIVERSE, or VIEW, or VIEWPOINT)

Kmk qhab bfge mjiuw... (Any comments)


Use Rub & Yawn a lot throughout


The general idea of Morph is for you to get up close and personal with every possible aspect of your topic. To the extent that you can causatively interact with it and change any or all of it at will, to that extent it will lose whatever power it has over you.


There are 114 different variations here. The view aspect is the most general, and can be used if none of the other options seem to fit. But it is intended as a last resort, not as a lazy substitute for all of the others as it is really too general to be of use unless you have something very specific in mind not covered by one of the other options.

Run Null after pair is flat

After flattening a pair of opposites click on and run the null command as needed before taking up another pair.

Where to start

You can start with any group you wish, and continue on how you wish. However, your topic might seem discharged after several of the groups have been flattened but a new group will often bring to light more charge that had been previously hidden.

Many sessions per topic

It is fine if it takes many sessions to flatten a topic completely. It is possible to feel wonderful with regard to a topic, but when you come back into session another day and address the same topic new material is available to be run. Note that it is new material, not an exact repeat of what you have already discharged, and just chew into it. It should be getting better all the time.

Incomplete topic?

If this is the start of a new session on an incomplete topic, just check over again the final group of commands that were getting a discharge in the previous session. Maybe there is more on it. But don't overdo it. You can always start over again from the top if you wish, but if your topic is hanging up it might be from some factor in a later group of commands that you haven't looked at yet.


When one group of commands is reasonably flat, then go on to another group. Be very thorough on any second or subsequent run through the whole set of groups. And definitely make sure you are sessionable with enough food/sleep etc.

Don't flog a dead horse

If you can't get any discharge on the first group you try, while rubbing vigorously and trying different aspects of that variation for at least a minute by the clock, then go on to the next group. Don't spend ten minutes going through all variations fruitlessly.

No discharge on any group

If you can't get any discharge from a hot topic with ANY group, then something is probably wrong. Maybe you're not sessionable. Maybe your topic is just not available right now. Try another topic, maybe a lighter one, to see if something else will discharge. If something else will discharge but not your first topic, then that first topic isn't available right now. If nothing will discharge, get more food/sleep/exercise, or try another day.

Other modules

There are many other modules. The four general ones that should work with any topic are Core, HeavyDuty, BasicR3X and Morph. If your topic won't fully discharge with Morph, and you've done the troubleshooting steps as needed, then try another module.