Paul giving a session

Int-Ext-Stay by Groups RD: General Table

AUDIO: "All right. Follow the instructions above the table."


For "group items" for intentions

Just use a hot item from the second column.

For incidents or themes

Pick any one item from each of the four columns in the General Table below (assuming interest, of course). In other words,
Preposition | Group name and items | Flow command | Int/Ext/Stay button
You may need to tweak the wording very slightly.



You can also


Each set of group items in this table is linked to the individual page for that group. In the bottom right hand corner of some of those pages is a description of some of the group items, which may be helpful.

I have selected my item(s) from this page, and noted the details in my worksheetsClose this extra window when done

General table of items and commands

PrepositionGroup name and itemsFlow commandInt/Ext/Stay button
Regarding[Signs of the Zodiac] Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisceshave you (been), or has another caused you to (be)go in?
[Dynamics] 1D, 2D, 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, 7D, 8D (including inverted dynamics)went in?
Concerningput in?
[Know to Mystery Scale] Native State, Know, Not Know, Know About, Look, Emotion, Effort, Think, Symbols, Eat, Sex, Mystery, Wait, Unconsciousinteriorized into something?
want to go in?
With respect to[Prepcheck buttons] Suppressed, Evaluated, Invalidated, Careful of, Didn't reveal, Not-ised, Suggested, Mistake been made, Protested, Anxious about, Decided, Withdrawn from, Reached, Ignored, Stated, Helped, Altered, Revealed, Asserted, Agreed withcan't get in?
kicked out of (whatever)?
[ARC Triangle] Affinity, Reality, Communication, Understandingcan't go in?
On being / On something being[KRC Triangle] Knowledge, Responsibility, Controlhave you caused another to (be)being trapped?
forced in?
Having to do with[Expanded CDEI Scale] Curious About (Curiosity), Desired (Desire), Enforced (Enforcement), Inhibited (Inhibition), No (Absence), Refused (Refusal)pulled in?
pushed in?
[Expanded Tone Band] Below 0.0, 0.0-1.0, 1.0-2.0, 2.0-3.0, 3.0-4.0, Above 4.0go out?
In[Scale of Responsibility] No Previous or Current Contact, Pan-Determinism, Self Determinism, Other Determinism, Valence (Circuit)went out?
put out?
[Start Change Stop etc.] Three items — 40.0, Start, Space, Be etc.; 20.0, Change, Energy, Do etc.; 0.0, Stop, Time, Have etc.exteriorized out of something?
In respect of (to) (be)[Scale of Motivation] Duty (Highest), Personal Conviction, Personal Gain, Money (Lowest)have others caused others to (be)want to go out?
[Havingness Scale] Create, Responsible for (Willing to Control), Contribute to, Confront, Have, Waste, Substitute, Waste Substitute, Had, Must Be Confronted, Must Be Contributed to, Createdcan't get out?
Rekicked into (whatever)?
[Awareness Characteristics] In groups of three — 1 (Recognition, Communication, Perception); 2 (Orientation, Understandings, Enlightenment; 3 (Energy, Adjustment, Body) ; 4 etc.; 5; 6; 7. Also minus awareness characteristicscan't go out?
being released (freed)
In your experience of[Admin Scale] Goals, Purposes, Policy, Plans, Programs, Projects, Orders, Ideal Scenes, Stats, Valuable Final Productsforced out?
pulled out?
[Scale of Confront] Beingness, Experience or Participate, Ability to Confront, Elsewhereness (Solution is "Be Elsewhere"), Invisibility ("It's Just Not There"), Blackness, Dub-In (Puts Something Else There)pushed out?
From your viewpoint of[Lines and Terminals Scale] Associated Terminals, Grouped Terminals, Lines, Particles, Significances, False Terminals, Misdirected Lines, Wrong Particles, False Significances (rumours), Mysterious Terminals, Chaotic Lines, Menacing Particles, Dangerous Impressions, Non-Existent Terminals, Non-Existent Lines, Non-Existent Particles, Unconscious Impulses, The Chaos of Unhappy Nothingnesshave you caused yourself to (be)being here/there?
not being here/there?
On the subject of[Group Sanity Scale] Hiring, Training, Apprenticeships, Utilization, Production, Promotion, Sales, Delivery, Finance, Justice, Moralewant to be here/there?
not want to be here/there?
[Ethics Conditions] Power, Power Change, Affluence, Normal Operation, Emergency, Danger, Non-Existence, Liability, Doubt, Enemy, Treason, Confusioncan't be here/there?
Whileforced to be here/there?
[Colors] Infrared, Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet, Ultraviolet, Silver, Gold, Platinum, Crystalline, Whiteforced to be elsewhere?
[Dimension] Physical, Etheric, Emotional, Mental, Astral, Etheric Template, Celestial, Ketheric Template, Hara level, Core Star level, Higher Selfprevented from being here/there?